Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Field Experience

Today was our first day of field experience at University Elementary! It was such a great first day despite the early start time of eight am. Because I was placed in a 2nd grade classroom at University last year, I requested 4-6th grade this time around in order to create a little variation. I was so incredibly impressed with the 6th grade classroom I was placed in. I was in the gifted room, and to be completely honest, I felt slightly intimidated by their ability levels. Today was simply an observation day in our classroom, and I enjoyed this very much. It was interesting not only to see the students and how they worked in an educational point of view, but also from a social standpoint. Last semester I took an interpersonal communication class, in which we spend a lot of time observing and analyzing many different social interactions and situations. It was so neat to be able to use those skills in the classroom today, because a class of 6th graders is something that I have not been around in so long. All around the students were just very impressive.


  1. I was actually placed in 2nd grade for my field placement at University! I was in a similar situation as you are because I was in 5th grade last year but wanted to be in the younger grades this year. I think it is important to get a variety of different grade levels. That is pretty awesome that you are experiencing the gifted class. I would be a bit intimidated too!

  2. How interesting that you are using the observation skills you learned!
