Monday, October 25, 2010

Activities with poetry

I loved the poetry projects we were able to create during last class! I loved taking time to be creative, using so many different materials, words, and thoughts, all based around poetry. When it was time to share, I actually did not want to stop working. It is not often that I get to use my creativity, so sometimes it feels like a burden, however when time to do things such as that is built in with other things, it is SO great! I really think that those types of projects are a great thing to use in the classroom, both with poetry and other types of literature, or perhaps even science or history. Art and music can be integrated into any subject if you simply get creative. I really enjoyed the station using magazine clippings of words to create a poem. This was neat, because it reminded me of the story the whales that we read out of order (in either this class, or 340), in the sense that all of the words were taken out of what each author had put them in, to create something new and different, but completely legitimate.

This is not necessarily directed at this class, although I am attending an IPS school this Friday for my E300 field experience. I am very much looking forward to this, because I have never been in a urban school setting. I feel that this will give me a more diverse look at schools and education, which will only benefit me as a future teacher.

1 comment:

  1. In "flow"- isn't that what we want for kids- being immersed in work that doesn't seem like work?
